Once upon a time, interns got paid by companies for the work they did and presently its the other way round. Providing internship has become a very good business model. Just like coaching for IIT-JEE, GRE and other technical certificate examinations, this business is also booming and startups on this model are mushrooming in every nook and cranny. Their delegates boldly invade campuses and classrooms to tell students "we will teach you what your teachers could not".
Isn't even the existence of such organisations a big bold question mark on the effeciency and credibility on the educational institution and its faculties whose students have to even consider opting for it? What do the colleges charge the tution fee for if these "internship-providers can dare to make the above? What do the educational institutions stand for if the students have to look for knowledge outside its premises?
About students now. If the experienced teachers were not able to insert something substantial into your thick skull, how do you expect these money-minded-mushrooming-startup to do so? Remember !! its YOUR interest level which determines how much you learn and NOBODY can force things into your head. Why are you paying the hefty college fees if whats being taught is not reaching you? If you do not have the desire to learn, you are not even elegible for education.
If you have to pay for internship / training you should better go back to the stone age! You use internet for facebook and po*n, why not use it for what its worth? How can you forget what your best homework help, wikipedia stands for? Knowledge is freely available on the internet and if you really have the desire to learn you should look no further. Especially if what you intend to learn is computers and electronics. Others should also consider it as reference.
Since adivce is freely available in India, let me also slam one on your face. If you couldn't get an internship get yourself a computer and an internet connection and lock yourself in a room with it. Use the money you would pay for internship to get all the necessary stuff you would need for practically playing around with things. Eg microcontrollers and soldering irons if you are an electronics enthusiast or books etc.
Since you can copy homework and tutorial sheets, it shouldn't be hard on your conscience to get a forged certificate for your internship.
Here is a random list of sites which may help you get started.
www.duckduckgo.com - search the internet - nothing is better.
www.youtube.com - nothing is better than a video lecture.
www.spoken-tutorial.org - IIT Mumbai initiative
http://p2pu.org/webcraft - free online peer to peer learning - a mozilla initiative.
ocw.mit.edu - MIT initiative for free oniline learning
and the list is endless....
If you have to pay to learn, pay your internet bills.
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